(Documents will be added in the course of the year once they are finalised)
- IM Strategy
- Data Sharing
- Product Catalogue
- Product Timeline and Workflow
- Contingency Planning
- Assessment Registry
- HPC / Inclusion of National and Local Actors
Content Management
Data Analysis
- HNO / Protection Cluster Approach to Protection Analysis
- HNO / Methodology for Calculating Protection Severity and Estimating PiN
- HNO / Severity and PiN Calculation Tool
- HNO - ANALYSIS / Protection Cluster Harmonized Information Needs Databank
- HNO / Protection Cluster Indicators Databank
- HNO - ANALYSIS / Risk Prioritization Tool - Basic Version
- HNO / Human Rights Minimum Requirements Note
- HNO / Integrate Human Rights Webinar
- HNO / Predictive Model People Exposed to Protection Risks Methodology
- Protection Analytical Framework (PAF)
- Protection Analysis Updates (PAUs)
- Protection Risks Severity Criteria
- Operational mapping