HPC Learning Series 2024
In 2024, the GPC is providing a learning series to enhance preparation and capacity in field operations ahead of the 2025 Humanitarian Project Cycle. This learning series is part of a broader effort by the GPC to enhance capacity of field clusters and provide relevant and comprehensive learning opportunities to coordination teams – both online and face-to-face.
This series constitutes one of the key pillars of the GPC strategic learning priorities. It is rolled out as part of the new GPC Inter-Agency Field Support Desk and implemented with the support of key GPC partners.
The objective of the learning series is to empower field Clusters to develop more effective and relevant strategies to address protection risks and respond better to the protection priorities of affected populations. This will be achieved by:
a) Strengthening collective protection risks and needs analysis
b) Improving data and information management systems and methodologies
c) Enhancing integration of strategic analysis and planning
d) Integrating effectively partners’ strategic priorities and capacity
This learning series is designed to facilitate a collective learning process with field operations, identifying both best practices and lessons learned, as well as reflecting key technical recommendations, guidance and tools.

Strengthening Engagement with the Humanitarian Programme Cycle
Core Session 1
What and how to plan analysis and planning sessions in 2024
Presentation of a unified timeline to guide operations with regards to analysis and planning processes all along 2024, in preparation to the upcoming intersectoral 2025 HNO/HRP. Specifically, the session clarifes to Protection clusters coordination teams how Global Protection Updates (GPU), Protection Analysis Updates (PAU), and HNO/HRP inform each other.
Slides / Background Note / Recording available on request to Cluster coordination teams
Core Session 1 (sub-session)
Rating of Severity of Protection Risks
Recording of a dedicated presentation and reflection with Ethiopia protection cluster on the sub-national mapping of severity of protection risks to contribute to the Global Protection Update and simplify the preparation of HNOs.
Recording available on request to Cluster coordination teams
Core Session 2
Protection Cluster response framework and 4/5W 2024-2025
Presentation of GPC 4/5W mapping (624 activities across 13 operations) and the resulting general harmonization of broad programming modalities preserving context specific definition of activities. The harmonization recognizes that the Protection Cluster response is intended to proactively address the impact of protection risks on affected population in humanitarian crises, through a coordinated and joined-up strategy.
Slides / Background Note / Recording available on request to Cluster coordination teams
Core Session 3
Presentation of HNO-HRP 2025 revised model
Presentation of the revised approach to HNO 2025, developed together between the GPC and global AoRs. The session introduces how protection risks severity and prioritization inform the HNO analysis, and guide the selection of HNO specific indicators in the definition of People in Needs, in preparation to the Global Protection Conference 2024.
Slides / Recording available on request to Cluster coordination teams
Core Session 4
From Risks to PiN - IM Approach
Presentation of the revised IM methodology and tools to calculate the Protection Sector severity in the HNOs. The session dives in on to calculate the sector severity, combining the subnational protection risks severity quarterly monitored and proxy indicators based on 3 pillars of protection needs, common to PCs and AoRs.
Slides / Recording available on request to Cluster coordination teams
Core Session 5
Better Planning using 3W projection & HCT Defence
Joint reflection on how to use the revised approach to HNO 2025 to better plan and forecast in preparation to the HRP. The session looks at opportunities provided by the streamlined joint analysis process, to gather protection partners in the strategic prioritization and planning based on a common framework.
Slides / Recording available on request to Cluster coordination teams
Core Session 6
Strategic Objectives and Indicators
Joint reflection on how the elaboration of HRP Objectives and indicators, building on the revised approach to HNO 2025. The session includes reflections on how to have a more solid strategic definition of HRPs, building on the protection risk analysis and a common response framework.
Slides / Recording available on request to Cluster coordination teams
Thematic Session 1
Strengthening Human Rights and Legal Analysis
The session introduces the Protection Risks and Human Rights Analysis Matrix, which provides corresponding relations between the 15 protection risks developed by the Protection Cluster and the Areas of Responsibility and human rights considerations. The guidance has been developed by the GPC, with the support of OHCHR in order to provide Protection Cluster operations with a practical tip sheet to better integrate human rights into protection analysis and communicate protection analysis findings to human rights actors.
Thematic Session 2
PAU guidance and lessons learned for protection monitoring
The session focuses on providing a refresher on the processes and guidance for Protection Analysis Updates. During the session, some lessons learned from 2023 PAUs, together with opportunities from Protection Monitoring, are presented.
Thematic Session 3
Legal Aid Analysis Framework
The session introduces the legal aid analysis tools, which consist of the Legal Aid in Humanitarian Settings Conceptual Framework and the Legal Aid Analysis Framework (LAAF) Guide.
The tools have been developed to improve the capacities of field protection clusters, AoRs, their members and partners, to better understand and assess the legal aid needs in their countries of operation, address existing gaps, promote relevant legal aid interventions, and develop knowledge products and tools to collectively address legal aid needs. The aim is that the improved understanding and assessments will enhance the legal aid analysis in protection reports, for example, as well as contribute to improved HNO/HRPs and other key documents and enhanced advocacy at all levels.
Thematic Session 4
Protection Analysis Framework - DEEP
The session explains the PAF-DEEP project, which has been established to support five protection clusters in using secondary qualitative data to inform protection analysis processes, including joint protection analysis, risk prioritization, writing of Protection Analysis Updates and how these can be used to inform further processes such as the HNO/HRPs.
Thematic Session 5