Global Protection Cluster

Durable Solutions
The Issue

Protection is at the core of the internationally recognised definition of durable solutions. A durable solution is achieved when displaced persons: 1) no longer have protection and assistance needs related to their displacement, 2) have access to their rights without discrimination based on their displacement. The IASC framework and its definition recognise the specific protection and assistance needs of IDPs, ensuring their right to access the full spectrum of human rights without discrimination. These include safety and security, access to livelihoods, education, health care, voting rights, personal documentation, adequate housing, land, and property rights etc.

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The Approach

Durable solutions are fundamentally about restoring rights and, therefore, represent the ultimate protection outcome. IDPs cannot achieve durable solutions if they are not protected. Durable solutions must be embedded from the onset of displacement crises, with humanitarian actors, especially protection actors, playing a crucial role in laying the groundwork for solutions. Protection actors have a key role in ensuring protection, participation, and agency of people affected by displacement remain at the centre of solutions processes.


For more information

Marie-Emilie Dozin

Global Protection Cluster
Mail: [email protected]