Kashif Rehman

Kashif brings 18 years of professional experience in the humanitarian and development sector to his new role. He joined the GPC team in July 2021 after working for eight years with the Needs and Response Analysis Section (Assessment Planning and Monitoring Branch) of UNOCHA in Geneva. Kashif was providing direct technical support to field operations on the Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC).

Alison Kent

Alison Kent joined the GPC in 2023. Previously she worked with Oxfam as Senior Advisor on Protection Advocacy and co-led the GPC’s Advocacy Task Team in 2021 and 2022. She has led a range of research, policy and advocacy efforts linked to humanitarian and human rights issues over the past 15 years in Myanmar, Sierra Leone and the Philippines, amongst other countries. 

Marie-Emilie Dozin

Marie joined the GPC in July 2021 to head the Advocacy and Communication Pillar, after two years spent in Mali as the Protection Cluster Coordinator. Previously Marie was deployed to the GPC from the IRC, in a capacity of Coordinator of the GPC Task Team on Protection Mainstreaming, where she led the development of the Protection Mainstreaming Toolkit, providing guidance and support to field clusters in Yemen, Myanmar, Libya, South Sudan, DRC and Somalia.

Julien Marneffe

Julien joined the GPC in June 2020 to head the newly established pillar on Field Operations and Support from NRC Geneva, where he was Senior Protection Policy Advisor leading NRC’s engagement with the GPC at global and field level.

In 2024, 170 million people—women, men, and children—are in need of protection across our 32 Protection Clusters. The severity of risks continues to worsen.

“With our 1,657 partners and our Areas of Responsibility, we aim to reach and provide protection assistance to 71 million individuals in the most challenging contexts, where Protection Clusters are driving collective efforts to mitigate risks and protect lives.

Guided by our new Strategic Framework, we will continue our support to country clusters, enhance protection responses and convene partners for a stronger global protection voice”.

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