GPC Operations Cell: gpc[at]
Gender-Based Violence: chase[at]
Child Protection: rpouwels[at]
Housing, Land and Property: jim.robinson[at]
Mine Action: unmasgeneva[at]
The Protection Monitoring Work Group (PROMO) Protection Monitoring System (PMS) Analysis is a monthly snapshot intended to complement the monthly statistical report with a joint contextual analysis of the data and information collected including through PMS’s Key Informant Interviews with the chief purpose to inform the humanitarian response stakeholders in South Sudan on protection relevant findings, advocacies, and key messages by the Protection Cluster. During the regular PROMO meeting on February 10th, some 30 Protection Cluster PMS focal points met to discuss the available statistical findings derived from the system and concluded that, at national level, protection violations and protection challenges are on the rise across most geographical and thematic areas. For example, compared to December 2022, 10% more KIs report occurrence of sexual violence in their communities, lack of access to humanitarian assistance is perceived to be on a rise by 12%. 17% Kis are concerned about safety and security while, cumulatively, violations against children continue to be a major challenge in South Sudan. The PROMO members also noted a general increase of displacement related mobility among all populations due to the recent conflicts and as a coping mechanism to the drought in the payams that are being monitored. Considering the knowledge on overall context in the country as well as the process of inter-sectorial needs assessment actors in prioritizing deployment of emergency assistance, the PROMO team analyzed known hotspots in the country against protection triggers as advocacy for immediate deployment of assistance to four areas of the country.