Niger Protection Analysis Update


The protection environment in Niger from January to June 2022 was characterized by incursions by non-state armed groups (NSAGs) resulting in new population movements and violations of human rights. As of June 8, 2022, Niger reported 307,407 internally displaced persons in four regions of Tahoua, Tillabéri, Maradi, and Diffa. 

Violations of property rights perpetrated by NSAGs have been predominant in the regions of Tillabéri, Tahoua and Maradi. In contrast in Diffa, frequent abductions of people have been violating the right to the freedom of movement of the civilian population. Violations of the right to physical integrity in the form of assaults, injuries and the right to life were also committed in the four regions, including an increase in incidents related to improvised explosive devices.

The authorities’ vision of promoting the return of IDPs to their villages of origin remained in force and some displaced persons returned during the first semester of 2022.

The main protection risks reported by the Protection Cluster include:

  1. Extortion of goods
  2. Abductions and kidnapping
  3. Attacks on civilians and infrastructures
  4. Early return of internally displaced persons
  5. Presence of mines and other explosive ordnances