North-West Syria Protection Cluster Bulletin (Jan-Jun-2024)


Key Highlights:

  • The demonstrations in Greater Idlib against HTS were one of the main aspects of the security developments in this reporting period. Demonstrations raise various demands related to the cost of live, changes in the administration and needed actions to enable communities to return to their villages currently under control of the Syrian government.

  • Security incidents (drone attacks, bombing and shelling) in the front-line areas in Idleb and Aleppo continued during the first semester, particularly affecting Karf Nobol, Ehsem, Ariha, Saraqb and Atareb in Idleb governorate and Azaz, Afrin, Al Bab and Jarablus in Aleppo governorate. This recurrence has increased contamination and led to more frequent incidents related to explosive ordnance and remnants of war.

  • By the end of June, tensions between Syrians and Turkish escalated in the province of Kayseri in Türkiye, in connection to an alleged sexual abuse incident. During these days, biodata of Syrians living in Türkiye was leaked and led to additional confrontations in NWS as a response to the situation in Türkiye. According to the Turkish authorities, between January and June, a total of 50.063 Syrians has crossed the border points into NWS, however, protection partners have expressed that the number of new arrivals might be higher.

  • The situation inside NWS and the new arrivals from outside Syria, within NWS and from other areas inside Syria have increased the level of tensions across communities, particularly related to access to humanitarian aid and services and to house, land and property related issues.