Somalia Protection and Shelter Cluster Joint Note on Frontline Response in Kismaayo and Afmadow Districts, Jubaland State


In July 2024, fighting between Jubaland forces - with the support of the Somali National Army - and Al-Shabaab in the villages of Harbole, Mido, Bibi, Soya, and Bula-Haji in Afmadow district, Lower Jubba, intended to gain control of the Kismaayo-Afmadow and Dhobley-Afmadow roads, ensuring the access to major towns in Afmadow district.

The conflict has impacted local communities in these districts, and according to the Protection and Solutions Monitoring Network approximately 300 households of 1,800 individuals were displaced to Afmadow and 270 households of 1,620 individuals to Kismaayo. In addition,the Jubaland Commission for Refugees and IDPs issued a Rapid Needs Assessment report on 30 July 2024 indicating 4,968 individuals from 828 households. The difference in data indicates the fluidity of the situation and continuous influx of IDPs. 

The newly displaced populations are in dire need of humanitarian assistance. The Protection and Shelter Clusters have been providing a scaled-up joint frontline response, working with all partners, including Area Based Coordination structures, to to identify gaps, avoid duplication and to promote the Centrality of Protection in the coordinated response.

 This note provides a comprehensive overview of the joint mobilized response, as well as the gaps still requiring attention. The Protection and Shelter Clusters continue to advocate for urgent frontline support in hard-to-reach and newly accessible areas to address the protection risks associated with violence, coercion and deprivation and humanitarian needs among the displaced and vulnerable civilian populations.