Somalia Protection Analysis Update - Jowhar District


The displacement crisis in Somalia is complex and multifaceted, driven by conflict and climatic shocks. The displacement is often characterized by protection risks facing the displaced populations. With particular focus on Jowhar district, the main drivers of displacement include floods and conflict according to the Protection and Solutions Monitoring Network (PSMN) in Somalia, July 2024. The most prevalent protection risks currently being faced by the populations in Jowhar district are:

  1. Theft, extortion, forced eviction or destruction of personal property
  2. Attacks on civilians and other unlawful killings, and attacks on civilian objects
  3. Forced recruitment and association of children in armed forces and groups
  4. Psychological/emotional abuse or inflicted distress

The Protection Analysis Update for Jowhar focuses on the Humanitarian Country Team’s (HCT) priority districts and as part of the Area Based Coordination (ABC) for 2024. The PAU aims to understand the existing protection risks observed within the district, and to inform humanitarian actors in developing measures that can help to mitigate identified risks. Jowhar district hosts a large population of minorities and marginalized groups who often face heightened protection risks, creating a need for tailored response. Therefore, this joint protection analysis conducted by the Protection Cluster and its partners aims to define the protection response strategy and priorities in the district.