GPC Operations Cell: gpc[at]
Gender-Based Violence: chase[at]
Child Protection: rpouwels[at]
Housing, Land and Property: jim.robinson[at]
Mine Action: unmasgeneva[at]
While monitoring this protection risk, it is fundamental to understand the nature and the conditions of detention. A detention is considered unlawful when is not in accordance with national laws and the procedures established by law. A detention is arbitrary when it is inappropriate, unjust, unreasonable, or unnecessary in the circumstances. Independently from incidents and cases, it is essential to identify factors of unlawfulness and arbitrariness. Examples include: a detention based on counter-terrorism laws which provides for long administrative detention to bypass normal criminal justice processes; the detention as a punishment for human rights defenders or based on discriminatory grounds; arrests linked to a possible criminal charge where there is not reasonable suspicion that a person has committed the offence; a person due to appear before a court arrested even though the person’s presence could have been secured by other means; arrest on a criminal charge without arrest warrant (except if a person is about to commit a crime or is caught in the act). Child abduction may also constitute a form of child trafficking where the child is exploited in whatever form, requiring an investigation of the related protection risk.
Generally, in situation of armed conflict there is information on such types of incidents and targeting, but not during the period when the risk is occurring. This data and information is often collected by human rights partners, actors and mechanisms, or by UN missions or other protection of civilians' mechanisms. National institutions, ombudsman or special bodies pertaining to the legal and justice system may have information and data. Research and analysis centres, media and protection monitoring can provide additional indication on possible presence of cases and incidents. Often it may not be possible to have precise numbers or statistics, due to access and other constraints. It is therefore important to use observation, expert judgement, triangulate available information, and ensure reporting on the protection risk, independently from available statistics.
You can download the definition here.