GPC Operations Cell: gpc[at]
Gender-Based Violence: chase[at]
Child Protection: rpouwels[at]
Housing, Land and Property: jim.robinson[at]
Mine Action: unmasgeneva[at]
There are over 2.3 million displaced persons throughout South Sudan with conflict and natural disasters being the leading drivers of displacement. Food insecurity caused by prolonged droughts or flooding, along with the loss of livestock and livelihoods, intercommunal violence, cattle raids, killings, and land conflicts, are among the main causes of displacement. Coupled with the arrival of refugees and returnees from Sudan who require additional assistance in a country already strained by limited natural resources, inflation, and weak rule of law, the protection risks for civilians in South Sudan are extensive and multilayered. Women, children, the elderly, and persons with disabilities are particularly affected by unaddressed human rights violations and impunity, often forcing them into negative coping mechanisms.
The five most occurring protection risks requiring immediate attention in the period covered by this analysis are: