Ethiopia Protection Analysis Update


Ethiopia is witnessing multiple compounded crises, with conflict, violence, and climate change shocks, such as drought, flooding, landslides, and disease outbreaks, exposing vast segments of population to protection risks and human rights violations. Disease outbreaks and the impact of conflicts and climate change shocks affecting neighboring countries add to an already complex humanitarian situation. Ethiopia is reported to be the Sub-Saharan country with the fourth highest numbers of internally displaced persons. It also has the fourth highest number of displacements (Movements) at the end of 2023. These movements are a protection risk, increase people’s exposure to additional risks and force them to resort to negative coping mechanisms. While different regions present different dynamics and shocks, the Protection Cluster has identified five protection risks requiring immediate attention. All of them have a significant impact that generates serious humanitarian needs:

  1. Violence against civilians and other unlawful killings, and attacks on civilian infrastructure
  2. Discrimination and stigmatization, denial of resources, opportunities, services and/or humanitarian access
  3. Gender-based violence (and associated harmful practices such as FGM and child marriage)
  4. Trafficking in persons, forced and child labour
  5. Unlawful impediments or restrictions to freedom of movement, siege, and forced displacement