GPC Operations Cell: gpc[at]
Gender-Based Violence: chase[at]
Child Protection: rpouwels[at]
Housing, Land and Property: jim.robinson[at]
Mine Action: unmasgeneva[at]
The Protection Analysis Update published by the Protection Cluster in Afghanistan presents the protection situation in the country since 15 August 2021, based on the findings of the Protection Monitoring carried-out in country. The priority protection risks have been identified as follows:
1. Serious violations and human rights abuses have been reported, including summary executions and targeted killing, limited freedom of religion and expression and limited freedom of movement. Discriminatory and punitive gender norms are also identified as an increased protection threat during the reporting period.
2. Food insecurity, acute malnutrition, reduced access to healthcare and scarcity of basic commodities have resulted in a coping crisis forcing households to resort to negative coping strategies, including borrowing money, child labour and selling assets.
3. Conflict, political crisis and insecurity, culminating in the Taliban’s assumption of power in August, contributed to the suspension of activities by most humanitarian organizations while others maintained a presence in the field and resumed operation as soon as it became possible. Delivery of safe, dignified, and inclusive assistance is hampered by multiple factors, including restrictions on the participation of female staff in certain provinces and sectors.
To amplify and complement this analysis and identify specific areas where global action is needed, the GPC Advocacy and Human Rights Engagement Task Teams developed a series of advocacy messages.