Protection Hotspots in Sudan, as of 28 February 2025


The Protection Cluster hotspot mapping is a tool for providing early warning and informing preventative and response actions.

The mapping distinguishes between three categories of hotspots: chronic conflict hotspots, acute conflict hotspots, and at-risk locations. Chronic conflict hotspots are areas that are affected by prolonged, protracted and/or repeated inter-communal violence, armed attacks and low-intensity conflict. Acute conflict hotspots are areas currently affected by new violence, armed attacks or active armed conflict. Finally, at-risk locations are those locations that are at risk of inter-communal violence or armed conflict in the near future, and/or where civilians are at risk of attacks.

The Protection Cluster hotspot mapping is designed to help us identify potential risks and provide early warning to prevent and respond to conflict and at-risk situations. By identifying the key areas affected by conflict, we can focus our resources on providing appropriate support and assistance to the affected populations.