Bimonthly Report Protection Cluster Venezuela (Sept-Oct 2023)


This bimonthly report summarizes the key achievements of the Protection Cluster during the months of September and October 2023.  Some of these achievements include the Cluster’s leadership and involvement in the Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) process, the coordination with other platforms, subnational clusters, ICCG, and partners, the organization/execution of La Carnada Play with the Human Trafficking Working Group and in collaboration with the Taller Experimental de Teatro/ Center for Artistic Creation (TET), the publication of the Annual TiP Bulletin 2022-2023, Protection Mainstreaming Trainings, Trainings on Mixed Migration and Durable Solutions, Focal Group Discussions with LGBTIQ+ Organizations for the thematic Protection Analysis Update (PAU),  participation in the Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Coaching and Training of Trainers (ToT), participation in the Gender ToT for Government Officials, among others. This report also covers the Protection Cluster's advacements in the objectives established for the Humanitarian Response Plan 2022-2023.