Yemen Protection Cluster - Protection through Health - Lessons Learnt, Good Practices and Way Forward


The Protection Cluster, led by UNHCR, and the Health Cluster, led by WHO, share common objectives and priorities. These include advocating for adherence to International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law, ensuring equal and equitable access to critical health and protection services for affected populations, including mental and psychosocial support services, providing medical and rehabilitation services to those injured by conflict and survivors of landmines, and providing targeted services to survivors of gender-based violence.

In Yemen, health actors are responsible for ensuring safe access to health services and promoting meaningful beneficiary participation. To achieve this, protection is being mainstreamed into health programming to maximize positive impacts on safety and dignity. This includes promoting accountability and participation, and the health and protection clusters work together closely to develop initiatives such as trainings and health tip-sheets. The collaboration between these clusters is crucial in implementing health programs that protect beneficiaries' rights and well-being and support their rebuilding and development.