Protection Conversation: Your Guide to Protection Case Management

The Global Protection Cluster shared the sixth of a series of public events, entitled the ‘Protection Conversation Series’, aimed at advancing shared discussions and reflection with protection allies on key trends and priorities, innovative approaches, and scalable solutions to some of the most pressing protection risks facing crisis-affected communities around the world.  

This Protection Conversation focused on presenting the revised interagency guidance ‘Your Guide to Protection Case Management’.

Protection Case Management brings together learning from emergency settings and a service model based on social work principles to provide support to people at risk of violence, coercion and deliberate deprivation in humanitarian settings. The Norwegian Refugee Council and International Rescue Committee, with the support of BHA and a cohort of global thematic experts and practitioners have been working together to revise and develop new resources to support coordination, set up and implementation of this important activity. Please click on the links on the right of this page to access these resources. 


The Protection Conversation Series is an important space for inter-agency dialogue and sharing on key protection issues, approaches and learnings. The Protection Conversations are led by different partners and do not necessarily reflect the positions, definitions or guidance of the GPC.