Global Protection Cluster

Mission to Ethiopia

Ethiopia is faced with explosive ordnance (EO) contamination stemming from past armed conflicts. The presence of explosive ordnance threatens the security and safety of communities and hampers the development of several regions. Their removal requires surveys, clearance and the development of mine action programmes. Recent mine action assessments indicate that there is significant explosive ordnance contamination in Northern Ethiopia, especially in areas where there was intense fighting since November 2020. While the full extent of the contamination has yet to be established, explosive ordnance has already killed or injured 71 people including several children in recent months. Local communities and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) feel threatened and are pleading for mine action rapid assessment and clearance. A grave protection concern is the fear of explosive ordnance, also hindering farming and access to livelihoods. UNMAS Ethiopia will engage with partners to mobilize resources to develop mine action programmes and support capacity development of the National Mine Action Center.

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Objectives of this Mission:

  • Provide technical assistance to strengthen mine action coordination.
  • Consult with relevant partners on the overall progress of the programme in general and strategic direction for future engagement.
  • Support resource mobilization for scaling up mine action in Ethiopia.
  • Advocate for participation, leadership and representation of national and local partners in mine action decision-making.
  • Learn staff views on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the workplace and communicate the work of the Secretary-General’s Task Force on Addressing Racism and Promoting Dignity for All in the UN.


Duration: Second half of 2021

Location: Support was provided remotely. Pending Visa issuance.