Guidance for Adapting Protection Assessment Tools to Become more Disability Inclusive


As part of its “From Guidelines to Action” project, Humanity & Inclusion is happy to share a new tool and accompanying documents: a guidance on how to adapt your organisation’s protection data collection to become more disability inclusive! 

This guidance provides support to humanitarian organisations to adapt their protection data collection tools to generate better information on persons with disabilities. It is based on the IASC Guidelines on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action and in particular on addressing the four must do actions in the IASC Guideline’s protection section. 

The guidance includes review grids, sample tools, a question bank and a checklist. Together these lay out step-by step instructions for adapting a range of your organisation’s protection data collection tools and processes. You can also find a recording of a webinar and the presentation slides that were used by clicking the text below:

Guidance: How to adapt your organisation's protection data collection

Accompanying How to Note

Recording of the webinar

Presentation slides from the webinar
