GPC Operations Cell: gpc[at]
Gender-Based Violence: chase[at]
Child Protection: rpouwels[at]
Housing, Land and Property: jim.robinson[at]
Mine Action: unmasgeneva[at]
The internal displacement data ecosystem consists of a varied but interconnected cohort of policy makers, operational actors, governments, private sectors, academia, national and local media outlets and humanitarian and development actors; this webinar will cover how data available on internal displacement, generated from across the data ecosystem is guiding national and local governments in their response to prevent and address internal displacement, including the search and achievement of durable solutions.
The webinar will present examples from Afghanistan, the Asia Pacific Region and East and Central Africa to specifically draw on practices where well-coordinated data has provided a platform at city and country level and across regions to support in the formulation of state-driven policy and response. Data collection and reporting in recent years has highlighted, independent to the reason of displacement, the growing importance to understanding and analysing the complex relationship between key displacement related vulnerabilities, community stability, (re)integration, and durable solutions. It is commonly known that the magnitude, severity, and diversity of internal displacement situations can only be understood and adequately responded to with comprehensive and accurate data. Nonetheless, the comprehensiveness and accuracy of the data is just one part to the critical path needed to ensure those in risk of, or those who have been forced to displace are able to obtain solutions to meet their individual needs.