To plan and implement Cluster strategies
The third core function of field clusters is To Plan and Implement Cluster Strategies. It is defined by the IASC as developing sectoral plans, objectives and indicators, that directly support realization of the overall response’s strategic objectives, clarifying funding requirements, helping to set priorities, and applying and adhering to common standards and guidelines.
Strategic planning is essential to identify common response priorities and coordinate the mobilization of adequate resources to address priority needs. Cluster strategic planning includes both a multi-year Protection Cluster strategy as well as the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP), developed jointly with Cluster and AoR partners, informed by the collective Protection analysis, and based on operational partners’ response capacity, funding requirements and availability, and foreseeable operational developments. While the HRP is an intersectoral response plan led by OCHA with contributions from all clusters active in an operation according to a standard and common template, the Protection Cluster Protection Cluster strategy allows field operations to define strategic priorities in greater details and with more freedom than the HRP. Field Clusters are also expected to promote collective protection outcomes in the HRP and by promoting the adoption of an HCT Protection Strategy, as well as ensure that Protection informs Nexus strategic priorities and approaches with human rights, development and peace actors. Finally, Cluster should ensure a coordinated funding of its strategic priorities, engaging with donors, and contributing to key humanitarian funding mechanisms such as Pooled Funds and CERF to ensure that critical protection needs are funded.