Protection Clusters conduct collective advocacy on behalf of, with or through its AoRs and operational partners based on a collective advocacy strategy, informed by collective protection analysis. The collective advocacy strategy should identify joint priorities, define objective(s) and targets, identify tactics and actions, key messages, and implementation plan. Cluster should also ensure that AoRs and partners’ own advocacy priorities are coordinated, promoting synergies, and ensure that they support and complement the Cluster’s collective advocacy action plan. Clusters should also ensure that key advocacy messages are agreed upon and disseminated to partners for their use in intersectoral meetings and with donors, local authorities and other stakeholders. Clusters may consider establishing an Advocacy Working Group composed of key partners to leverage advocacy expertise within the Cluster and AoRs to help draft the advocacy strategy and support the production of key advocacy messages and documents to be adopted by the Cluster SAG.
Minimum requirements
Map advocacy priorities and capacity across cluster partners and AoRs
Develop a collective advocacy strategy and action plan with clear priorities, objectives, targets, actions and leads
Develop, update and disseminate key collective messages/talking points to be used by cluster partners
Set up a collective advocacy WG to coordinate advocacy actions from partners, and develop and implement the Cluster’s advocacy strategy based on the Cluster SAG instructions and oversight