Training and building capacity of operational partners is a key task for field Protection Clusters to ensure the quality and effectiveness of the response. Cluster should engage AoRs, SAG members and operational partners to identify capacity-building priorities, define resources needed, and leverage capacity and expertise within and outside the cluster to support capacity development on protection programming. Clusters should also reach out to other clusters to support their capacity-building on protection mainstreaming and integration (See Core Function 7). Cluster can develop capacity-building strategies to this, which should include at the very least training and sensitization on: Codes of conduct (CoC), PSEA, Child Safeguarding, and accountability to affected populations (AAP) - including on Communication with Communities (CWC) and risk communication and community engagement (RCCE), as well as fundamentals of safe and appropriate referrals and Psychological First Aid (PFA), protection mainstreaming and integration. Additional trainings may be prioritized by AoRs as needed.
Minimum requirements
Identify priorities for training and capacity building for partners on sector standards
Sensitize partners on CoC, PSEA, Child Safeguarding, and AAP
Train partners on safe and appropriate referrals and Psychological First Aid (PFA)
Train protection cluster and other cluster partners on protection mainstreaming/integration