HCT Protection Strategies
As per the IASC Policy on Protection in Humanitarian Action, HCTs are expected to adopt an HCT Protection Strategy that defines collective protection outcomes to be achieved by the HCT and the humanitarian community. The HCT Protection Strategy supports and complements the Protection Cluster strategy and the HRP.
This strategy should define collective HCT actions related to the most serious and critical protection risks requiring actions at the senior leadership level and direct involvement of the RC/HC and/or Heads of Agencies. The HCT Protection Strategy should also define priorities for engagement with non-humanitarian actors (development, Human Rights, peace & security).
The HCT strategy should provide strategic instructions to the Intercluster coordination group (ICCG) on priority collective protection outcomes that the intersectoral response plans detailed in the HRP should address and all clusters contribute to.
Clusters should advocate and support HCT in the adoption, implementation and monitoring of such Protection Strategies.