South Sudan PROMO Spotlight July-August 2024


In July-August 2024, protection monitors conducted 444 Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) covering 74 payams in 24 Counties in 5 States (Northern Bahr El-Ghazal, Unity, Jonglei, Upper Nile, and Central Equatoria).

Key PROMO achievements

With the support of the protection cluster state-level coordination structures, Protection Risk Assessments were conducted nationally in August and the below five risks were identified with the highest prevalence:

  • Gender-Based Violence
  • Theft, Extortion, Forced Eviction or Destruction of Personal Property
  • Child, Early or Forced Marriage
  • Discrimination and Stigmatization, Denial of Resources, Opportunities, Services and/or Humanitarian Access
  • Attacks on Civilians and Other Unlawful Killings, and Attacks on Civilian Object

The Protection Monitoring System (PMS) in South Sudan is managed by the Protection Cluster and it relies on contributions by member organizations to collect data via a Key Informant Interview (KII) questionnaire at payam level across eleven thematic areas thereby monitoring the occurrence of protection violations, their scale and impact on communities over time.