The Cluster ensures that AoRs, key operational partners (such as SAG members) and relevant stakeholders (i.e. other clusters colleagues or actors with useful data and information) meet at least quarterly to undertake a collective analysis of the protection context and risks. Clusters may consider establishing a Collective Protection Analysis WG or organize extended SAG meetings to conduct this collective analysis. Clusters should utilize the Protection Analytical Framework (PAF) as a reference tool to guide the collective analysis. The results of this analysis is shared and discussed during Protection Cluster meetings with operational actors to inform the collective response and coordination of service delivery by protection actors, and to elevate certain issues to the HCT or for advocacy. This collective analysis should also serve as the basis for the Protection Analysis Updates (PAU), as a flagship regular publication of the Protection Cluster. It is therefore critical that it is developed collaboratively with the Cluster and AoR coordinators, and key protection partners, and that it provides collectively agreed key messages and recommendations to internal and external audiences. The collective analysis and PAU can also serve as a useful reference for briefings to the HCT, ICCG, and donors, and can help inform and update severity mapping, PIN and other assessments for the Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO), and feed into Human Rights mechanisms and reviews of Peace Operations mandate.
Minimum requirements
Consolidate and analyze quarterly Protection data and information
Conduct collective analysis jointly with key stakeholders
Produce PAU