GPC Operations Cell: gpc[at]
Gender-Based Violence: chase[at]
Child Protection: rpouwels[at]
Housing, Land and Property: jim.robinson[at]
Mine Action: unmasgeneva[at]
Global crises, conflicts, and the climate emergency exacerbate pre-existing trafficking risks and give rise to new ones, as traffickers capitalize on the human, material, social, and economic distress of internally displaced persons. In internally displaced settings when families and communities struggle to meet their basic needs, have limited options to seek protection, social safety nets are disrupted and, the rule of law is weakened, vulnerability to trafficking increases.
The Global Protection Cluster and its AoRs, and in particular, its Anti-Trafficking Task Team led by UNHCR and IOM, call for more support and resource allocation to anti-trafficking efforts in emergencies, so that we can ensure systematic and adequate prevention and protection within all humanitarian action from the outset.
Read the full statement.