Colombia Protection Analysis Update - Arauca


Arauca, a department in Colombia, shares approximately 326 kilometers of its border with the Venezuelan state of Apure. It has an estimated population of 313,097, of which approximately 77,037 are Venezuelan nationals. Currently, dissidents from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - People's Army (FARC-EP) and the National Liberation Army (ELN) are engaged in a violent struggle for political and economic control of the region, affecting both the border areas and the interior of the department. These actions have seriously affected leaders and defenders of human rights.

The armed conflict has intensified following the breakdown of historic non-aggression and coexistence agreements between FARC-EP dissidents and the ELN. This has led to an open and ongoing armed confrontation, in which the Colombian army is also involved.

The protection risks that require immediate attention in the period covered by this analysis are the following:

  1. Attacks against the civilian population and unlawful killings.
  2. Impediment or illicit restriction of freedom of movement, confinement and forced displacement.
  3. Gender-based violence (GBV) related to armed conflict.
  4. Denial of access to resources, opportunities, services and/or humanitarian access.
  5. Recruitment, use and utilization of children in armed groups.