The Cluster Coordination Performance Monitoring (CCPM) is an annual collective and participatory performance review of the cluster. It consists in three key phases: a survey for Protection partners and the coordination team, a review workshop to review survey results and discuss key achievements and needs for improvement, and finally a brief report on key findings and action plan on
priorities to be addressed. The CCPM is not an appraisal of the Cluster – or AoR – coordinator or coordination team. It is a review of collective efforts to ensure the effective coordination of the Protection response. It is a means to identify both strength and weakness in the Cluster coordination, and help identify priorities for improvement, and the need for additional support from the GPC – and global AoRs as relevant. The CCPM is also a good opportunity for the cluster coordination team and operational partners to get a better mutual understanding of the Cluster core functions and key deliverables, and of the roles and responsibilities between coordination team and partners. It also provides a forum to identify better ways of working and opportunities to leverage capacity and expertise within the cluster to fulfil those core functions and achieve key deliverables for a more effective collective response.
Minimum requirements
Sensitize and engage cluster partners on the CCPM
Organize CCPM workshop with partners to review achievements and discuss survey results
Adopt CCPM report and action plan
Monitor coordination action plan and keep GPC data up to date