Protection Cluster Strategy
Protection Clusters are encouraged to develop a multi-year (typically 2-3 years) Cluster operational strategy to identify the key Protection risks and needs, and collective response priorities for immediate life-saving service delivery. The strategy should integrate a Nexus approach and highlight the Cluster and AoRs engagement with human rights, development, and peace/security actors.
The Cluster operational strategy should be adopted through a consultative, participatory, and inclusive process with Cluster and AoR partners and other relevant stakeholders. It should both inform and be informed by partners operational plans and capacity, and by AoR specific strategies if they exist. AoRs may thus develop their own operational strategies or action plans as relevant. In such situations, both Clusters and AoRs shall jointly ensure coherence and complementarity across these strategies.
The Cluster Operational Strategy should inform the Cluster contributions to the HRP, Flash Appeals, Pooled Funds and CERF – although operations may start with their HRP and then develop it further into a Cluster Operational Strategy.
Minimum requirements
Identify collective response priorities based on Protection risks and needs analysis
Define Cluster priority engagement with human rights, development and peace/security actors
Ensure coherence and complementarity between Cluster and AoR strategies or action plans