GPC Operations Cell: gpc[at]
Gender-Based Violence: chase[at]
Child Protection: rpouwels[at]
Housing, Land and Property: jim.robinson[at]
Mine Action: unmasgeneva[at]
The goal of this framework is to support local and national members of the Child Protection and Education Country coordination groups to improve their operational capacity in key areas. This investment is expected to lead to measurable results in achieving their organization’s goals and objectives. Organizations can continuously develop their ability to respond with efficiency and effectiveness in larger, more complex situations and to reach more people who require humanitarian assistance. Since 2017 the Protection and Education Clusters have been working to increase the coordinated participation of local and national actors using the conceptual framework mentioned above.
The objective of this framework is to provide:
1. CP AoR and Education Country Coordinators with information to develop institutional capacity development strategies and integrate them into the Humanitarian Programme Cycle.
2. Humanitarian organizations and donor investment opportunities to support the institutional capacity development of Workstream 2 of the Grand Bargain commitments. The framework provides information on the overall cost of the different components of institutional capacity improvement that will bring national and local operational capacity into the foreground.
3. International humanitarian organizations with information on how they can meet the Grand Bargain Localization Workstream 2 obligations and act towards strengthening the institutional capacity of their partners and other local actors. Working with their local partners, humanitarian organizations can identify areas for immediate capacity strengthening and develop a road map of support for sustaining the growth of partners in a medium- to long-term manner