Mechanisms for Coordination of Disability Inclusion in Humanitarian Action


Mechanisms for Coordination of Disability Inclusion in Humanitarian Action: A Comparative Case Study Examination of Experiences in Afghanistan, Ukraine, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Bangladesh and Venezuela.

As part as its “From Guidelines to Action” project, Humanity & Inclusion is happy to share a new publication: a comparative case study on mechanisms for coordination of disability inclusion in humanitarian action!

As we strive towards a more inclusive global humanitarian system, it becomes increasingly apparent that the needs and rights of persons with disabilities often go unaddressed. This is a consequence of critical challenges such as the scarcity of disability disaggregated data for needs assessments, lack of accessible accountability mechanisms, coordination issues, and the pressing need for capacity building – especially targeted at local actors and Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) – which further compounds the issue.

It is therefore vital to explore and implement more strategic approaches to address these challenges towards building a humanitarian architecture that seamlessly includes persons with disabilities through more inclusive coordination structures.

Download the Case Study Full Report here

Download the Case Study Executive Summary here