Afghanistan Humanitarian Country Team Centrality of Protection Strategy (2024-2027)


The objective of having a Humanitarian Country Team’s (HCT) Centrality of Protection (CoP) strategy is to mobilize a holistic, multi-sectoral, system-wide effort to prevent, mitigate and respond to Critical Protection Risks (CPRs) facing affected populations. It aims to facilitate humanitarian dialogue, negotiation, and advocacy actions on protection as well as the engagement of the HCT with a broader range of stakeholders to encourage them to assume their responsibilities to ensure protection is central to humanitarian action.

The strategy complements, but does not duplicate, other existing frameworks, including the protection cluster strategy, the Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan (HNRP), HCT Gender and Access strategies, and the National Action Plan on Solutions for Internal Displacement in Afghanistan. It includes a plan of action along with a monitoring and evaluation framework.