Protection Conversation: Protection of Older Persons in Forced Displacement and Emergency Settings

Out of the 120 million forcibly displaced persons in 2024, nearly 4 million are over the age of 60, representing 3 per cent of the displaced population. Older persons face numerous challenges during forced displacement and humanitarian crises. They are often at a higher risk of abuse and neglect, frequently left behind or unwilling to leave their homes, which makes them among the last to flee and puts them in greater danger. This webinar seeks to promote the protection of older persons in forced displacement, raising awareness of elder abuse and its profound consequences. In recognition of the International Day of Older Persons (October 1st), UNHCR, HelpAge, the Norwegian Refugee Council, and the International Rescue Committee will highlight resources and field practices aimed at ensuring the protection of older persons.

The Protection Conversation Series is an important space for inter-agency dialogue and sharing on key protection issues, approaches and learnings. The Protection Conversations are led by different partners and do not necessarily reflect the positions, definitions or guidance of the GPC.