Sudan: At a Glance: Protection Impacts from the Conflict: Update #27 covering till 15 May


This is a document reporting on the severity of the protection impacts on the
the civilian population as a result of the ongoing conflict in Sudan. Clashes between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and Rapid Support Forces (RSF) erupted on 15 April 2023 and are now entering their fourteenth month

Key figures:
15,550+ : Estimated number of people killed (attributed to ACLED) as of 14 April 2024
33,000+ : Estimated number of people injured (attributed to WHO), as of 8 December 2023
125 : Hospitals affected
218 : Public buildings affected
79: Humanitarian offices/assets affected
592,294: People fled to Chad
670,244: People fled to South Sudan
500,000: People fled to Egypt
30,108: People fled to CAR
54,090: People fled to Ethiopia
6,786,816: People internally displaced

Sources of displacement data:
IDPs, IOM DTM; refugees, UNHCR