Child Protection and Cash and Voucher Assistance Tip Sheet

’Cash for protection’ addresses individual or household-level specifically identified protection risks or needs using Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) as a modality.

This tipsheet focuses on the use of CVA to achieve Child Protection (CP) outcomes, as used in the following two ways:  

  • Protection integration, where protection interventions are implemented alongside CVA to achieve specific protection objectives, and  

  • Standalone protection, which refers to specialised protection-focused interventions and services.  

The tip-sheet includes key terminology and messages, a summary of the latest available evidence and various tips on strategy, programme design and cycle management in respect of using Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) as an assistance modality for Child Protection outcomes. A list of key related resources is provided. 

The tip-sheet was produced in close collaboration with Global Protection Cluster’s (GPC) Task Team on Cash for Protection (TTC4P) and CP Area of Responsibility (AOR). It is intended for use by anyone engaged in Child Protection programming, with a particular though not exclusive focus on programmatic staff.

Thanks to the generous contribution of the U.S. Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (BPRM) for funding the Global Protection Cluster’s Task Team Cash for Protection (TTC4P) activities, and the copyediting and design of this tip sheet.