Rapid Assessment on the Humanitarian Situation of Persons with Disabilities in Tigray


In the face of increasing humanitarian needs and limited humanitarian services, Persons with Disabilities (PWD) face a plethora of challenges in their daily lives. Their inherent rights, interests, needs, and priorities are often exacerbated in times of war which require targeted and responsive humanitarian interventions from various partners. This is more evident in the context of Tigray where the situation of PWD has been characterized as one of the major points of concern requiring comprehensive assessment and tailored responses. Against this backdrop, this assessment looked into the overall humanitarian situation, needs, priorities, and accessibility issues of PWD in light of prevailing barriers thereof.

The assessment has been funded by UNHCRand implemented by the Protection Cluster in Mekele (Tigray) and the NGO Innovative Humanitarian Solutions (IHS), with direct support from the members of the “Disability Inclusion Technical Working Group (DI-TWG), Mekele” and the Global Protection Cluster.