People in Need 2022
People Targeted 2022
Funding Requirements (US$)
Funded 2022

Resource Tracking

Clusters are activated only in those humanitarian emergencies where there is an identified gap in the enabling environment warranting clusters’ activation and when justified around an identified need. Cluster activation is based on the following four criteria:

  • Trigger event in the form of a new large-scale emergency or sharp deterioration and /or significant change in an existing humanitarian situation;
  • Evaluation of national response and coordination capacity and/or national response to appropriately meet needs;
  • Where humanitarian needs justify a multi-sectoral approach that the existing coordination and response mechanisms can no longer adequately address;
  • The size of the operational presence (the number of actors and complexity of response) requires a sector-specific coordination mechanism if this does not already exist.

Clusters are activated if all the above criteria are applicable and are deactivated when all the activation criteria are no longer fulfilled.

Below is the list of all protection clusters currently activated.

Operation Total Requirments Total Funding % People in Need People Targeted HRP
Afghanistan $165,604,000 $93,068,400 56.20% 22,100,000 5,300,000
Syria Hub $462,698,000 $156,188,000 33.76% 15,137,115 11,500,000
Burkina Faso $134,225,000 $18,442,700 13.74% 3,118,440 1,433,864
North West Syria $97,939,040 $37,277,190 38.06% 0 No Data
Cameroon $66,582,800 $24,819,500 37.28% 1,800,000 1,100,000
North East Syria No Data $19,164,990 No Data 0 No Data
Central African Republic $44,616,200 $23,488,700 52.65% 2,800,000 1,700,000
Chad $22,546,100 $8,119,490 36.01% 635,997 476,998
Colombia $122,188,000 $44,442,700 36.37% 4,935,104 1,200,000
Democratic Republic of the Congo $1,822,970,000 $81,919,200 4.49% 9,900,000 3,333,412
El Salvador $36,512,600 $11,781,700 32.27% 834,300 236,600
Ethiopia $344,444,000 $43,628,100 12.67% 10,400,000 6,368,491
Guatemala $42,287,400 $14,978,100 35.42% 2,600,000 722,700
Haiti $74,284,600 $22,356,900 30.10% 1,900,000 1,200,000
Honduras $63,107,500 $13,299,200 21.07% 1,500,000 443,300
Mali $102,319,000 $26,235,500 25.64% 3,900,000 3,200,000
Mozambique $57,000,000 $27,607,400 48.43% 1,620,000 872,518
Myanmar $137,119,000 $33,729,400 24.60% 11,533,167 2,120,607
Niger $78,579,400 $15,875,100 20.20% 1,500,000 829,023
Nigeria $104,292,000 $38,483,300 36.90% 4,570,000 2,240,000
Palestine $50,600,000 $15,694,900 31.02% 1,860,000 1,400,000
Somalia $210,333,000 $57,163,500 27.18% 5,000,000 3,200,000
Iraq No Data No Data No Data 0 No Data
South Sudan $102,308,000 $30,108,800 29.43% 6,100,000 3,200,000
Sudan $244,213,000 $81,436,100 33.35% 10,000,000 7,500,000
Syria $462,698,000 $156,188,000 33.76% 15,137,115 11,500,000
Ukraine $494,524,000 $426,110,000 86.17% 17,700,000 7,847,879
Libya No Data No Data No Data 0 No Data
Venezuela $101,125,000 $13,321,900 13.17% 4,228,283 2,000,000
Yemen $225,649,000 $61,948,900 27.45% 17,700,000 8,100,000